What We Do



If you are interested in learning more about the Tiny House Movement and what benefits it has to our communities, please contact us.  We are extremely excited about sharing what we know.

  • Public Education
  • Consulting & Advocating
  • Community Projects

As tiny home enthusiasts we understand the "Living LARGER than Life - with LESS" concept and are always available to discuss these ideas with anyone who will listen. I personally guarantee our services. But don't take it from me, see what our partners have to say about us. 



If you know what you want for your tiny home or you have no clue where to begin; we're here to help. Contact us for a list of local vendors that can help you get started, join our meet up group, and receive our newsletter with valuable information about the tiny house movement.

Meet Builders

Meet tiny home owners

Learn about available communities

Building, zoning and planning codes within a  tiny house community



Although you may not want to live in a tiny home (why wouldn't you?) but you want to see what all the fuss is about by working with us on one of our many projects in the community. Check out the the link above to take you to our latest projects and get you or your team-building group involved.   Are you in favor of an alternative, sustainable housing opportunities in the Orlando area? Join us! We are looking for advocates and volunteer help to promote & support our unique housing crisis.  

Don't forget to:

  • Check our blog
  • Support us with a donation
  • Purchase a fundraising event ticket
  • Follow us to upcoming events
  • Check out our photo gallery 


Sign up to hear about our upcoming meetups and events.